Named entities events

During the conversation, various NLP processors are run according to your subscription. They emit annotation events that interpret and enrich the transcript. Those annotations are anchored on the transcript timeline, so that:

  • they can also apply to non-speech sound,
  • you can rewrite the transcript according to the interpretation in order to improve readability, or to hide sensitive information.

Events described below are Named Entities Recognition events. Named Entities are words or expression which can be categorized as names, time duration, phone number, or such. All events below are available in French and English (unless explicitly mentioned otherwise), according to your subscription.

Confidence score

Please be aware that a confidence score of 0.8 or above is a rather very good one.


A number such as an age for example.

Please note that to prevent a flood of events, no event will be triggered if the number is strictly inferior to 10, unless said in a series.

For example an Entity Number Found event would be fired for the square footage of the following sentence, but not for the number of rooms:

my house is 150 square meter big and has nine rooms

But on the other hand, All together lyrics by the Beatles would fire four events:

1 2 3 4 can I have a little more

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_number_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"canonical": "22",
"original": "vingt-deux",
"value": 22.0
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null
  • canonical is the well-formatted, localized decimal form of the number
  • original is the transcript of the number
  • value is its value

Ordinal Number

A number representing position or rank.

Please note that to prevent a flood of events, no event will be triggered if the number is strictly inferior to 10th, unless said in a series.

Why, you ask? First, that' because little ordinals can be used as adverbs, like in this paragraph. Second, you don't want to mess with seconds (time). Third, that might change if text2num is more clever and can do part of speech recognition.

For example an Entity Ordinal Found event would be fired for the mileage of the following sentence, but not for the runner position:

on the 14th kilometer of the marathon i was in third position

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_ordinal_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"canonical": "22ème",
"original": "vingt-deuxième",
"value": 22.0
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null
  • canonical is the well-formatted, localized decimal form of the ordinal
  • original is the transcript of the ordinal
  • value is the rank of the ordinal

Location Delivery Point

This event is only available in French at the moment.

A unique geographical reference from which a consumer can draw or inject electricity in the French electricty network, Point de Livraison, also shortened to PDL. Made of 14 digits.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_delivery_point_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf zéro un deux trois quatre",
"canonical": "12345678901234",
"value": "12345678901234"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Credit Card Number

A credit card number, that is to say the group of four four-digits numbers, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Not the three-digits card security code or the expiration date.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_credit_card_number_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "douze trente-quatre cinquante-six soixante-dix-huit quatre-vingt-dix douze trente-quatre cinquante-six",
"canonical": "1234 5678 9012 3456",
"value": "1234567890123456"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Credit Card Expiration Date

A credit card expiration date. Works with full dates (e.g. "june twenty twenty-four" or "june twenty-four") or shortened dates ("o six twenty-four") — the interpretation will be the same.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_credit_card_expiration_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "fin septembre deux mille vingt-deux",
"canonical": "09/22",
"value": "2022-09"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Credit Card Verification Value

A three-digits card security code.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_credit_card_vefication_value_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "c'est le un deux trois",
"canonical": "123",
"value": "123"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Credit Card Relation

If a credit card number, a credit card expiration date and/or a verification code all belong to the same card, the Relation event relation_credit_card_found will link them together :

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "relation_credit_card_found",
"payload": {
"members": [
"entity": "entity_credit_card_number_found",
"start": 1614174589594,
"entity": "entity_credit_card_expiration_found",
"start": 1614174590094,
"entity": "entity_credit_card_validation_value_found",
"start": 1614174590294,
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

For your convenience, the relation event is always emitted, even if it contains only one member.


An International Bank Account Number. Does not fire for a BIC (Business Identifier Code).

French format is FRkk BBBB BGGG GGCC CCCC CCCC CKK, with B bank code, G account code, C account number, K check key. All the other formats are supported too.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_iban_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "f r douze trente-quatre cinquante-six soixante-dix-huit quatre-vingt-dix douze trente-quatre cinquante-six soixante-dix-huit quatre-vingt-dix douze un deux trois",
"canonical": "FR12 3456 7890 1234 5678 9012 123",
"value": "FR1234567890123456789012123"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Entity Telephone Number Found

All country codes supported. The value is the E.164 number.

A phone number.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_telephone_number_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "zéro six onze vingt-deux trente-trois quarante-quatre",
"canonical": "06 11 22 33 44",
"value": "+33611223344"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Birth date

A person's birth date. It recognizes both long and short forms. The canonical form is localized to the language and county. The value is ISO.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_pers_birthdate_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "vingt zéro quatre cinquante-six",
"canonical": "20/04/1956",
"value": "1956-04-20"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

First Name

First name, provided it is common enough.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_pers_firstname_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "jean-louis",
"canonical": "Jean-Louis",
"value": "Jean-Louis"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Spelled First Name

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_pers_spelled_firstname_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "j e a n tiret l o u i s",
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Last Name

A last name, provided it is common enough.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_pers_lastname_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "fournier",
"canonical": "Fournier",
"value": "Fournier"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Last Name Spelled

  "topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_pers_spelled_lastname_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "f o u r n i e r",
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null


The interpretation part (fields canonical and value) are still alpha and French only.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_email_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "jean-louis point fournier arobase exemple point fr",
"canonical": "",
"value": ""
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, Street

In case a street number is given, it will be included within time anchors.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_street_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "trente-trois rue de la mairie",
"canonical": "33 rue de la mairie"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, Postal Code

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_postal_code_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "soixante-quinze zéro zéro un",
"canonical": "75001",
"value": "75001"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, City

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_city_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "chalonnes-sur-loire",
"canonical": "Chalonne-sur-Loire",
"value": "Chalonne-sur-Loire"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, Country

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_country_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "france",
"canonical": "France",
"value": "France"
"confidence": 1.0,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, State

US states in English only for now.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_country_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "france",
"canonical": "France",
"value": "France"
"confidence": 1.0,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Location, Miscellaneous

For example the floor number.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_location_misc_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "quatrième étage",
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Time, Date

Recognizes explicit dates ("july twenty-fifth twelve") as well as implicit ones ("tomorrow, five days ago…"). The canonical form is localized according to the country and language. The value is ISO.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_time_date_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "le quatre août deux mille douze",
"canonical": "2012-08-04"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Time, Hour

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_time_hour_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "five pm",
"canonical": "5 pm",
"value": "17:00"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "en",
"country": "us",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Time, Misc

Any time or duration indication shorter than a day.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_time_misc_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "thirty minutes",
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "en",
"country": "gb",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Quantiy, Money

Any currency amount. The canonical form is localized an converted to digits. The value field contains an object providing the amount value as a float and the currency in symbol or standard form.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_quantity_money_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "three point ten dollars",
"canonical": "$3.10",
"value": {"value": 3.1, "unit": "€"}
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "en",
"country": "gb",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Quantiy, Misc.

Any type of quantity, with its unit. The canonical form is localized an converted to digits, with the unit standardized. The value field contains an object providing the amount value as a float and the unit in standard form.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_quantity_misc_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "fifty miles per hour",
"canonical": "50.00 mph",
"value": {"value": 50.00, "unit": "mph"}
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "en",
"country": "gb",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null


"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_business_organization_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "acme corp",
"canonical": "Acme Corp",
"value": "Acme Corp"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "en",
"country": "gb",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null


"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_business_product_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "gibolin",
"canonical": "Gibolin",
"value": "Gibolin"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Health, Organ

This event is only available in French at the moment.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_health_organ_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "intestin",
"canonical": "intestin",
"value": "intestin"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null

Health, Disease

This event is only available in French at the moment.

"topic": "conversation:acme_corp@conference",
"event": "entity_heath_disease_found",
"payload": {
"annotation": {
"original": "angine",
"canonical": "angine",
"value": "angine"
"confidence": 0.9,
"end": 1614174590554,
"lang": "fr",
"country": "fr",
"length": 960,
"speaker": "Alice",
"start": 1614174589594
"ref": null