Product roadmap

Last updated: 2024-07-04.

This is the platform product roadmap. The developments we undertake aim at improving one of the following goals:

  • increase use of our APIs
  • improve on-boarding and ease of use (both during development and production)
  • meet today's standards in terms of security

Disclaimer: The following information is being shared in order to outline some of our current product plans, but like everything else in life, even the best laid plans get put to rest. We are hopeful that the following can shed some light on our roadmap, but it is important to understand that it is being shared for informational purposes only, and not as a binding commitment. Please do not rely on this information in making purchasing decisions because ultimately, the development, release, and timing of any products, features or functionality remains at the sole discretion of Allo-Media, and is subject to change.

How to read this roadmap

A number of themes are listed on this page. A theme is a topic on which we want to work. It tells about the "what", not the "how". For example the what "Decrease invoicing time consumption", might be achieved by several how, for example "Automate gathering of data used to compute invoice", or "Generate invoices as PDF and send them to customers".

A theme can be narrow or large. It can occupy people on one sprint or more (3, or even 4). The description of the how can be found as ShortCut epics and stories.

Previously achieved

What the product teams have achieved recently, which part of our platform we improved.

  • Phone Call Analytics Expose new analytics (scored tags, GenAI...) within all of our interfaces (APIs, UI) to ease their consumption by clients
  • All products Improve the way we manage and add new languages and their enrichment, to ease deployment in new countries
  • All products Give access to more usage metrics, to give users a better view of API consumption for development and invoice purposes

In progress

How the product teams occupy themselves in the current iterations and during this quarter. Themes within should not change anymore. This does not include smaller fixes and improvements down the road.

  • All products Propose new ways to capture audio, recordings or live streams, to ease and speed up on-boarding.
  • All products Provide transcription and analyses in new languages, to better answer users needs.
  • Phone Call Analytics Improve our WebApp UI/UX to provide more insightful analytics, in a more ergonomic and efficient way
  • Phone Call Analytics Expand analytics possibilities, depending on calls characteristics, to provide more accurate insights
  • Phone Call Analytics Fine-tune permissions to give users access to data with more granularity


Following themes will be addressed next, once we have freed development capacity by releasing some "in progress" items. It can be next iteration, or event 4 or 5 sprints away, or some quarters away. It's unlikely that these themes will be downgraded to "later", but you never know, everything is negotiable.

  • All products Keep on proposing new ways to capture audio, recordings or live streams, to ease and speed up on-boarding.
  • All products Send alerts and offer monitoring services to users, providing them with trend analyses and helping them to manage their customer relations on a day-to-day basis.
  • Phone Call Analytics Extend analytics capabilities to obtain more precise and relevant analyses


Themes we'd like to address, but it's too early, either because we need to first implement dependencies, or we don't have enough data yet to move them up.

  • All products Improve on-boarding and self-cared usage of our APIs, to empower users
  • All products Expose more information and usage data for the platform
  • All products Ease use of data by extending the output integrations to third-party tools and APIs
  • All products Improve Named Entities Recognition accuracy and computation speed, for better redaction and analytics capacities
  • All products Offer new named entities to be recognized, for better redaction and analytics capacities
  • All products Add new options to the data retention policies, better adapted to the challenges of processing larger amount of data
  • All products Keep improving the quality of transcripts, as they are the first piece of data for analytics
  • Phone Call Analytics Provide a way for users to create their own tags to empower them regarding analyses
  • Phone Call Analytics Ease analyses customization, to quickly answer to users needs
  • Stream H2H Better integrate the Stream H2H API to the platform, to take advantage of existing analytics capacities